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Steven R. Van Hook

   Top Tips to Better Sailing

Here are time-tested tips to help  keep your sailing day exciting 
and safe, gathered over the 
years from old seasoned salts and from those who sometimes learned the hard way.

Extra: Your Sailing Toolbox

Sailboat Passenger Do's & Don'ts

From what your passengers should bring (and not!), to coping with seasickness, and keeping your sailboat crew entertained, able, and whole.
More: Sailing Tales  
Stories true and most likely not, for long days adrift.

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Your career future in sailing and marine jobs: how to start and grow.
Tales from the deep:
The Seal Woman
Sea chaplain for weddings & memorials
Custom Clinics
One-one-one confidence clinic for newbies. Details

      Sailing Terms Every Sailor Should Know

Learning to sail takes mastering a second language; 
a collection of salty words cobbled from tongues 
ancient and scattered, that rarely seems to describe 
what a part actually does. Here's a sampling.

How-to Sail Library
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    Essentials of Sailing

How-to-Sail Article Archive
How to pick a boat, pick a crew, pick your days, and much more in this expert collection.

Sailing Toolbox
Your sailing kit: how to trim your sails, set an anchor, navigate home, weather through a storm, crawl through a fog, and many other essentials.

Sailing Desk Reference Library
Magazines, journals, webzines, directories, charts, maps, publishers, navigation tools, regulations, safety resources ...

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