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Featured Articles on How to Sail
Sailors share their very best sailing secrets and tips.

Wonders of the World's Seven Seas
We know more about the contours of Mars than the floors of our seas. As Bill Bryson observes, the oceans of earth are full of life and surprises.

Setting Sails by Tangled Lines & Sheets
This photo shows an order in the chaos, though some may not see it. Be sure to share your own snapshots of purposeful disarray.

Channel Islands Harbor Sail
A group of international students from the University of California Santa Barbara head out to Anacapa Island aboard Imagine, a Hunter 326.

The Seal Woman
Tall tale of a selkie, brazenly based on the folk song by Gordon Bok.

Trash Vortex at Sea Larger than Texas
A spread of floating plastic in the Pacific Ocean may now double the size of the Lone Star State.

Marine Mammal Sightings Database
Maintained by the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, you can record your sighting in the database, and search what others have spotted in specific latitudes and longitudes.
Naked Whale Research
Non-profit organization on behalf of marine mammal protection, encouraging sailors to post whale sightings -- particularly orcas -- noting date, time, GPS coordinates, direction of travel, etc.
Whale Watching Schedule
More than 30 different types of whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, and porpoise inhabit the Santa Barbara Channel at various times throughout the year. Here's a schedule of best times of the year to catch certain marine mammals, courtesy of Condor Express in Santa Barbara.

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